Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reading Response 4

2.Some broad characteristics of jianghu are it refers to action films, it could have mythic space, the sense of righteousness, loyalty, bonding, swordplay, and could have kung fu action format. Some genres associated with this concept could be the action film, and marital arts film.
3. Some of the key elements of the so-called “infrastructure of violence” associated with Westerns as well as Urban Westerns is space and guns.
4.Mythical violence meaning the space of the jianghu-, which has people like gangsters, hired killers, or police detectives that operate on a code and rituals with in this space, and where the violence actually occurs (space) is the mythical violence. (I think) The function it serves in Johnny To films is I think the main component of most of his films.
5. Some of the key characteristics of Kowloon Noir, dark side of masculine values, dark elements, adventure, male characters are brought down by their weakness, characters exist in network of shifting alliances, cross-alliances, misalliance, and coincidences. The term “destiny machine” refers to the female fatale in film noir but is used here to determine the idea of fate.
6. Teo’s argument is that the relationship between genre conventions and auteur function is genre is specific type of film, and the auteur function is that specific type of film that its author (director) makes it fit in the a genre. Neale argues that it is inappropriate to equate genre with auterurism due to constraints are put on the production conditions because of economic conditions and commercial cinema has to abide by these constraints in order for the film to succeed making genre itself a constraint against genre theory.
7.Heroic fatalism is determined by human behavior-treachery, betrayal, loyalty and faithfulness, it’s a belief of deliverance through rightful violence. I am not sure of mechanical fatalism.
8.Some strategies and techniques To uses to make the gunplay “as aesthetically abstract as possible” are, utilizing the tenet of inaction within action as the substance of To formalism, visual device of wipes are used, music, sound effects, and montage.

1 comment:

  1. Good. We'll spend some time on mythical violence in class since it is a bit tricky.
